Monday, June 30, 2008

How and Slack Am I

I have not blogged for ages, almost 2 weeks I think. I caught a horriblee bug, started off as a cold, cough runny nose etc which was evil, but I ended up a pathetic mess on the couch, which lasted a full week off work. I have to celebrate the microwave and the fact that I have not learned to only cook for two people. It was a saving grace for me that I had cooked too much for Jade and I to eat the week before, so that while I was pathetic and unable to eat much at all, Jade at least was feed, and real meals, reheated, but real meals non the less.

Last Saturday afternoon and into the evening Jade and I went to a scrapbooking afternoon which was run as a fundraiser for Jo's son's school. What a fantastic time, it was so well run and an aboslute bargain. Jade went to two classes, first one was making cards, and then the second one was making a door hanger which was really cool. Lou and Kris stayed the night at my place which was pretty cool.

Jade had a soccer tournament last weekend, which was an absolute nightmare. We had to be in town from just after 9, so the minute we left the house it started to rain, and it continuted to rain at varying degrees of hardness all day, until we left at about 3pm! We were drenched in the end. The only saving grace was that it was not windy and not too cold. The kids did really well, they qualified 2nd top for the cup competition, and then went onto play, loosing in the semi finals. not bad, considering the feild had a swimming pool in the middle of the pitch, which made it obviously hard to play.

Two days later the funniest thing happened to me, I got home from work to receive a parcel from "A Friend" and this friend had made a book that she thought I might have needed to see. It was all about what happened when Jade and I left for the soccer tournament and left Kris and Lou behind. I will have to think twice before I let this happen again. The book was deeply disturbing, it appears that Lou and Kris had taken a special liking to "Black Jack", and were also rather obsessed with my containers, and were trying to steal them. I have been constantly checking ther various containers around the house to see what could be missing.

Not long now until Ralf comes home, he has started to do a big countdown, every day there is an e-mail with a new amount of sleeps to go before he comes home. Jade is getting excited as well. Me, well two light bulbs have blown, one in the bedroom and one in the lounge, I have told him that as it is not long until he is home I am leaving the bulbs to be changed by himself, just a wee chore, so that he know he was missed. I am sure I can find some other wee "chores" so he will know he was missed. Mmm what shall I add to the list.... Oh yeah iorning, I have not brought out the iorn the whole time he has been away. I suppose I might have to put sky sport back on for him, and re-connect his cell phone, maybe I had also better get the golf clubs out of the garden, I did find that they were really great at plant supports, but he might not think that is a good idea, so I had better clean them for him..

Anyway better cruise

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