Monday, April 28, 2008

A Weekend Away

Well had a great weekend away scrapping, down at Forest Lakes, which was nice.

Of course I have done some layouts, the first is of my desk at work, strange thing to crop, but I thought I do spend enough hours there!!
Then comes a nice picture of Jade and Oscar, oh how sweet.
This next one is of my grandad, My Mum's dad. Hard to do this layout as I do not really remember him at all. He died when I was about 5 I think, I remember his funeral, and his hobbies room down in the basement of the house, but certainly don't remember the man. I hope I did him justice.
A nice picture of Jade and Ralf, you can't half tell that I have a new camera, I was quiet stoked with the nice picture I managed to getting a nice one of them both.
Now I am not sure how to describe this one. The husband had this nice mask to take away with him, I nagged and nagged and nagged him, to let me take a picture of him in his camoflauge underwear and this mask on, it just made me laugh. Well I obviously nagged enough, because he not only let me take the picture but he also posed for the photo!!! Now don't get stressed when you look at the photo closely, as you know I love photoshop, I played the photo and doctored it, I could not help myself, especially not with what he was wearing!!!!! So be warned, it is not for young eyes!!!

Now onto other news. Ralf left on Friday which was sad, going to miss him while he is away, but at least we have e-mail and phones now which is way cooler that what I guess it would have been years ago. Ralf and Jade were even on the news on Friday night, quiet funny, Jade saw it and was very excited, but the horrible camera people saw fit to cut the wife out of the picture!!! Not that they could really help it as I was standing behind another lady!!!

Jade is down with his parents for this week as well, so she is having fun down there, going to the beach and movies etc. I am just working! Lots!! Trying to get some overtime up so that when school starts back next week I can leave to take Jade to Soccer practice etc on Wednesdays without feeling guilty about it.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Great l/os Margo and I am very glad that you were able to join us. Stay strong whilst Ralf is away