Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kelly Rotherham Rocks

god what an evil internet connection tonight, i am so getting annoyed with dial up!!!!

I just wrote this huge waffle and then up-loaded it only for it to crash! not nice! maybe i might get broadband - nah!!!

I forgot to tell you about the other cool thing that happened when we went to scrap camp up Pohongina Valley. Kelly Rotherham came out for a day and did a wonderful free class of make and take, it wwas fantastic! She was promoting her new web based classes that she is running through her blog you definately should check it out.

the class she was promoting when she was there was "funky felt" the best thing about it all was the price, i was floored as to how aaffordable it was. Two ways you could do it, either the full price where you got a pack as well, and the pack was very cool it even came in its owwn container!!! I love containers!!! And if you already had felt etc at home and did not need the pack you could just pay for the class!! What a cool idea. I am going to sign up for some classees after Xmas!!

Anyway do check out her website you certainly will not regret it!

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